How Do I Stop Hurting After a Break Up?

If you're reading this, it's likely you're going through a rough patch after a breakup. We want you to know that it's totally okay to feel all the feels right now. Breakups can be super hard, but you're not alone. We know it may not seem like it now, but in time things will get better. So, let's talk about some ways to help you feel a bit better and start moving forward.

How can I handle my feelings after a breakup?

Okay, so, emotions after a breakup can be all over the place, right? Sadness, anger, confusion - it's like a wild rollercoaster ride. Giving yourself permission to feel and express those emotions is a crucial part of the healing process. Whether you're shedding tears, venting frustrations, or simply sitting with your thoughts, know that each emotion is valid and serves a purpose in your healing.

Use positive coping strategies that work best for you, whether it's taking a run, dancing to your favorite song, practicing mindfulness, or immersing yourself in being creative. Know that’s it's totally normal to feel this way, but it's also important to not let those feelings take over. Remember, it's okay not to be okay, and asking for help is totally acceptable.

Why does a breakup hurt so much?

Ever wonder why it feels like your heart is being squeezed? Well, breakups hurt because they mean losing something important - like a best friend or a big part of your life.

Your brain goes into overdrive trying to make sense of it, which can make the pain feel even worse. Plus, there are these brain chemicals that make you feel all mushy-gushy when you're in love. When the relationship ends, it's like those chemicals take a vacation, and your brain feels a bit wonky.

How do you deal with a breakup when you still love them?

Okay, so, still loving someone after a breakup is tough stuff. It's like holding onto something that's slipping away. First things first, give yourself time to feel sad. It's okay to still care about your ex even though things didn't work out.

Take care of yourself by doing things that make you happy, like taking a relaxing warm bath or shower, or hanging out with friends. And hey, don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Reach out to the supportive friends and family. Let them be there for you. They want to help and help you smile again.

Is There Something Wrong with Me?

Let's talk about that nagging question that might be bouncing around in your mind: "Is something wrong with me?" First off, let me reassure you, it's super common to wonder this after a breakup. But here's the truth- no, there's absolutely nothing wrong with you.

Breakups can stir up all sorts of emotions and self-doubt, but it's important to remember that they don't define your worth. Relationships end for all sorts of reasons, and it doesn't mean you're any less lovable or worthy of happiness.

You're a unique individual with your own quirks, strengths, and beautiful qualities. So, instead of dwelling on what went wrong, focus on all the incredible things that make you, well, you. You're a gem and don't you forget it.

10 Tips for Caring for Yourself After a Breakup

Here are 10 ways to take care of yourself while your heart is healing:

  • Allow yourself to feel your emotions without judgment.

  • Surround yourself with supportive friends and family.

  • Practice self-compassion and acknowledge your strengths.

  • Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

  • If you enjoy traveling, sometimes a weekend staycation with some friends, or something more elaborate (if it’s in the budget) can be a great way to get some much needed good feelings.

  • Set boundaries with your ex to create space for healing.

  • Consider seeking professional help through therapy or counseling.

  • Use journaling as a therapeutic outlet for processing your thoughts and emotions.

  • Practice mindfulness and meditation to reduce stress.

  • Be patient with yourself and trust that healing takes time.

Finding closure after a breakup

Closure is like tying up loose ends after a breakup. It's important for moving on, but it can be tricky to find. Try writing a letter to your ex (you don't have to send it), talking things out with a friend, or focusing on new hobbies and interests. Closure might take time, but it's worth it for your peace of mind.

Closure can also come from within, as you reflect on the lessons learned and the growth you've experienced since the breakup. It's about accepting the past for what it was and embracing the possibilities of the future. Don't rush the process; healing takes time.

Remember to be patient and kind to yourself as you navigate this journey of self-discovery and healing. And always know that you are deserving of love, happiness, and a fresh start.

Rediscovering yourself post-breakup

Breakups can feel like a big identity crisis. Who are you without your ex? Take this time to rediscover yourself and what makes you awesome. It's natural to feel a bit lost after a breakup, but it's also an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.

Use this time to reconnect with your passions and interests, whether it's picking up a new hobby, revisiting old ones, or exploring different aspects of yourself that you may have neglected during the relationship. Setting personal goals and working towards them can provide a sense of purpose and direction.

Remember, you are not defined by your relationship status; you are a unique individual with strengths and talents waiting to be rediscovered. Embrace this chance to redefine yourself on your own terms and realize the incredible potential within you.

Moving on and embracing new beginnings

Moving on from a breakup can feel like climbing a mountain, but trust me, you'll get there. Focus on the present moment, surround yourself with positive vibes, and be open to new opportunities.

Remember, healing takes time, but you'll get there. Be kind to yourself and know that brighter days are ahead. Sending you lots of love and good vibes your way!

If you need help getting back to feeling like you, reach out today. We are here to support you.

Counseling in Chicago and Illinois

At Mindful Healing Counseling, we understand the challenges that life can bring. That's why our team comprises several therapists specialized in working with a variety of concerns and offering online counseling services to individuals living in Chicago and throughout Illinois.

Our therapists are experienced and trained in working with people dealing with various concerns such as anxiety, trauma, depression, pregnancy and postpartum concerns, relationship difficulties, life transitions, setting boundaries, managing family dynamics, navigating grief, and more. We prioritize providing affirming spaces for BIPOC and LGBTQ+ individuals. We offer therapy near you through a range of evidence-based treatments including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), mindfulness-based approaches, relational therapy, and more. Our services extend to adults of all ages, as well as teens, college students, couples, and families.

Reach out to us today. You can contact us by filling out our contact form or by calling or texting us at 708-419-3171. We're here to support you every step of the way.


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